What I Do

Mindful moment on rainbow in Ojai CA
The freedom you long for is not beyond your reach. In fact, it’s within you now.

Looking to the past is not where you’ll find it. Mindfulness-based therapy teaches how being in the moment guides you to move beyond anxiety, fear, uncertainty, unwanted habits, and hiding from your true nature.


Mindfulness and brain-based psychotherapy and coaching by video.
I help adults suffering from a variety of situations, including:

Therapy for Men & Women with:
Anxiety & Fears
Depression & Worry
Stress & Fatigue
Childhood Sexual Abuse and Trauma
Women’s Issues & Transitions
Men’s Transitions & Dating
Illness or health-related mind-body issues
Victims of crime
Grief & Loss issues, including pets

Coaching for:
Women over 40 in transition

For a skimmable read in a mobile format, click here.


Welcome to my Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy Practice

Mindfulness-based therapy includes how your brain learns and changes. I take a holistic, mind/body approach to all things because they function as one. Each has a voice and symptoms. I have been a California licensed psychologist since 1989. What follows are my current thoughts on the therapy I provide to adult men and women.

Therapy with me –

Getting to know someone deeply enough to help them heal, grow, and live their true nature fills me with joy and has been a driving force through most of my life. The shared journey called therapy is both my career and my teacher. I am inspired by and grateful for the privilege of doing this work.

Working together starts from the stuck and unfulfilled place that you are aware of. New clients are often imprisoned in their mind and body by the labels and interpretations they took on as true – about them, other people, and the world – throughout their life. Finding and expressing their authentic self will be part of the journey to freedom.

Symptoms are calls for help –

Anxiety, shame, despair, underachievement, lack of self-trust, and trust of others has left them unhappy, insecure, and unable to cope well over time. Their symptoms become unmanageable. Many people think the symptoms are the problem, or reflect who they have become, but they are actually red flags calling for help.

The basics of my therapeutic approach are mindfulness-based which is also based on brain research for therapeutic change. When helpful, I include within in the session, guided visualization for mind and body communication, meditation for clarity and relaxation, and if desired for in between sessions, journaling for releasing or receiving a different perspective, to help you expand your consciousness and understanding. This approach is intended to bring you to a sense of spaciousness where you can see, feel, hear and connect to your true nature in an untainted way, be at choice and heal. I can teach you silent meditation and we can briefly add it to each session if you desire.

Living authentically –

Understanding what isn’t representative of you is as important as realizing what is. Who you are and what you want in your life. What do you authentically need or want in your mind, body, relationships, family, career, spirituality or not, to be fulfilled and at peace within? Both compassion and self-compassion play a key role throughout our work together.

I found working virtually through your phone, tablet, or computer on an encrypted video system is better than in-person on many levels, including convenience and saved time, so that’s what I offer now exclusively. My clients agree. They enjoy showing me relevant things in their space and surroundings at times, not having to fight traffic to make the appointment, and wearing whatever they have on when we meet.

Call or text to set up a free 15-minute phone meeting where we can meet and discuss your situation in more detail. Feel free to ask me any questions about this work. This will help us both decide if we are a good fit to move forward.

Call me at: 805-320-9361