
Mindful moment on rainbow in Ojai CA

Taking time-out for mindful moments puts you back into your life.   Mindful breaks have been shown to reduce stress in the moment and for a while afterward and to reduce your reaction to stressful events over time.    Like a river flowing and I’m riding it fully …

 engaged in the flow, but not attached to where it’s going.  I am not sitting with my eyes closed as in mindfulness meditation.    No past, no future, no forcing, or intentional relaxing takes place.  I am being in the moment, without judgment or expectations.
Over time and repetitions, these experiences change your brain; the way it fires and connects, the way it responds.  Living life via habitual patterns of perspective and thought is not really living, is it? It’s existing and getting by on automatic pilot.

Mindfulness, as I use it in my own practice, and teach to my clients, is comprised of 1-5 minute breaks taken throughout my day when I intentionally become present to the moment and experience of whatever it is I’m doing, looking at, or feeling.  I am alert and aware of whatever is going on around me and inside my body in those minutes as fully present to each moment, noticing it without judgment, receiving what comes through my senses. To learn more about the mindfulness-based therapy I offer go here