Life is occupied both in perpetuating itself and in surpassing itself. If all it does is maintain itself, then living is only not dying.
—Simone de Beauvoir
I first heard this quote when I was 30 something. I didn’t quite understand it. Yet it touched me somewhere deep inside that knew more than I did then, so I hung it on my wall to ponder further.
A few years later I found a place to use the quote in the acknowledgments section of my dissertation. I did research on first time mothers and their beliefs and experiences of giving birth. I asked pregnant women questions about their anticipated levels of pain and anxiety, duration of their labor and of delivery, and their use of medication or not.
I based my hypothesis on radical constructionism. My study showed that a belief or story a new mother-to-be constructed about the birth experience she expected she would have, bore out to be so, at least in her perception of what unfolded. The facts would tell a different story for many of the women. Beliefs we hold are one way we perpetuate and maintain our life, even when they contradict the ‘facts” of the matter.
Many years later I still find de Beauvoir’s words inspiring and audacious. Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) was a feminist and writer who’s words pushed the minds of women to think outside the box and limits of their life. She was the long-time lover, then wife, of Jean Paul Sartre, the existential philosopher. A passionate duo. Is fear holding us back or is the fear of only maintaining used as the force that pushes us forward?
I believe I and all of us are here for a reason, a purpose or several purposes. Are we going to do what it takes to express our true self or do we unconsciously go along with the status quo of our routines, the times, culture, our family’s expectations? Are we maintaining our experiences of life or living it full out, spontaneously, fearlessly, with passion?
Simone’s words make me question my motives and at the same time, inspire me to go further, deeper and broader into my self knowing and higher into my conscious awareness, awakening and broadening my sensitivity to the results of my choices and actions, whether internally or externally expressed.
Each time I read Simone’s words I ask myself, am I wasting my life away or fully expressing myself today? Am I rising above my fears, apathy, denial, judgments, resistance or not? What am I doing to give back to humanity? Am I stepping up, being brave, coming from my heart and showing compassion? Or am I living well by all outward appearance and deceiving myself?
What questions do Simone’s words ask of you? What answers do you have? What answers do you seek? Are you ready for surpassing where you are right now? Is the time right for you to dig deeper?