Winter/spring 2013 classes starting in Ventura, click here for details and registration, scroll down for cataloge image & instructions to sign-up.
In the last post I gave you five common reasons people stop meditating when class is over. The first one was that people find it tough to stay motivated when each session they sit for is difficult to get going and the rewards are not felt every time.
#2. You procrastinate and don’t find the time often enough so your intention to practice stops bringing your awareness to the intention you had when you began the class.
Once you discover that your practice is effective for you and you feel the benefits and confidence to keep going, you can go it alone with more ease and continuity. You’ll stick with it even when it’s a tough one to get into knowing that the good is happening anyway, in your brain and your body.
Procrastinators judge themselves harshly. Often people procrastinate because they don’t feel the meditation practice is going well or feeling like they think they should. they begin to feel worse instead of better because of the judgment and an unmet goal they set, not because of the meditation itself.
Not finding time is an excuse. People find time for what is important to them. Even if the duration of a daily session is 5, 7, or 10 minutes, regularity brings results sooner. So keep at it and don’t think you are doing it wrong. There is no such thing.
Being present to the now each moment you are meditating is a goal you can accomplish. My next 5 week how-to-meditate series begin in January 2013.
Meditation for Mind & Body Health 5 Week Class.
Click on the title above for more information about the series.
If you prefer a small class you’ll want to take it at my office. I’m taking registrations now, class size is limited to 6 adults. The starting date will be as soon as we have 5 or 6 people, so email me your name and phone and I’ll put you on the list. We’ll meet Monday evenings 5:30-6:30 most likely. I will consider holding a morning class if there is interest.
If you want to be in a larger group, you’ll find the City of Ventura Community Ed class the best one for you. It begins Jan. 28, Mondays 7:30-8:30. The series repeats 3 times, so you can choose when you prefer to begin the class. They run through May in Ventura. Registration begins online Jan. 2 at or by phone.
Sign up for my newsletter to hear about new classes on various topics. Starting in January I’ll also be teaching Mindful Eating for Weight Loss, Successful Unstressful Home Office, and in February, Mindful Solutions for the Relief of Chronic pain.