Change Your Brain

Monterey-CAMindfully Direct Your Brain & Change Your Life

Your brain is neuroplastic meaning it is changed by your repeated experiences throughout your entire lifespan, not just your childhood. At any age, most people can learn how to direct their brain to overcome obstacles, to make desired changes, and to engage with life more fully and completely.

Our experiences change our brains.  When we learn something new, a change occurs as to which neurons fire and in what pattern. New connections are made between neurons; this is the hallmark of neuroplasticity ~ “neurons that fire together, wire together.” The pattern is eventually wired into our brain’s quick-fire action, and a habit is born. This shows up as new ideas, which is good, or as bad habits which is not good. Imagine the possibilities!

The new and prolific research being done in interpersonal neurobiology, and in neuroscience generally, has changed the face of psychotherapy and how we view aging. We now know, without exception, that our brain changes throughout our life. A few areas of our brain can actually grow new neurons. Fortunately, one of these areas is the hippocampus, which is largely involved in forming memories and long-term storage for ease of retrieval to use in remembering and making plans for the future.

Ponder these words from business mogul and educator Edith Warton – Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive.

Therapy and Services.

Read  What I do for more information on how I use neuroscience to help you.