Sacral and Throat Chakras

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Sacral and Throat Chakras

The Sacral and Throat Chakras aka Shock-rahs *

Your second chakra, the Sacral and fifth, the Throat (5th) chakra go hand in hand. The throat communicates from the spiritual point of view and the sacral is earth-bound, limited as that is, it’s the center of creativity and birth – the birth of new ideas and human beings. Together, 2 and 5 birth a creation and the manifestation of it.  Together bring imagination, creative inspiration into being into the physical  environment in order to share it with others.

Your sacral and throat shock-rahs work in harmony making partnerships that foster the birthing of ideas (sacral) and bringing them to life (throat).

The 2nd shock-rah is the seat of your creative process through enacting or manifesting the creative outcome. This is feminine energy, the process, as in pregnancy and childbirth, as in making art, as in sexual attraction and intimacy, as in passionate emotions, as in creating something with another person or yourself. Your emotional body resides here and one’s own or unique style and preferences in tastes, fashion, and bodily preferences.

One-on-one relationships and self-care, taking care of yourself with care, are essentially one and the same.  Taking care of one’s body and emotional needs, keeping them balanced and in check with the importance they require, not more or less, but what they need at this moment under these circumstances is what self-care is actually about. When your sacral chakras is open and functioning well, it guides and aids self-care and nurturing relationships with another.

Your throat shock-rah is about self-expression, which is a creation too.  It’s here that you also develop trust in yourself. The 5th shock-rah inspires self-expression and creativity, speaking your own truth, self-trust and trustworthiness toward others.  Your integrity comes from here. It’s where you talk your talk and walk your walk.

The fifth shock-rahs rules your communication style, time, languaging, your  own voice, spiritual expression, and self-expression in infinite ways and about anything.

Your second chakras influences your reproductive and sexual organs, kidneys, and lower digestion.

Your fifth chakras influences your thyroid, mouth, lips, throat, neck from collar bones up, gums, tongue, ears, voice/larynx, and nose.

* I often use a different spelling for charkras. I prefer shock-rahs,, the implication being that by paying attention to them, keeping them moving and active (shock) we will benefit (rah-rah siscumba)  They are energy centers after all, electricity gives shocks.  😊




  1. This article is extremely well written and informative. Thank you for clearing up a lot of the confusion for myself and I’m sure many, many others. The topic resonates with me in so many ways. For example, I believe that I am going through a spiritual awakening. Being raised a certain way and not being allowed to express myself spiritually or in my life much at all for fear of judgement has made me really very sick over time. Chakras make sense. It takes time to work on yourself, but it is so much harder when the work you’re responsible for takes discipline and practice. Life is hard, especially when one focuses on all the negative, disregarding all the wonderful things. Even if they are small.
    Take care of yourself and again, this article really helped me. Thank you.

    • Thank you for your thoughts EJ, I’m glad to hear it shed some light for you. Periods of spiritual awakening (we do have many in our lives if we are indeed awakening) can be intense but are so so worth it. And yes, life can seem hard when negativity is all one focuses on. Mindfully notice the beauty around you and in you and others with some frequency, to help offset the harder times in a day or a week. Feeling gratitude has been shown to decrease depression as well. Being grateful that one can walk, breath or speak are places to begin if other things don’t come to mind. Keep up the good work you’re doing through learning and sharing!

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